

Die öffentliche API lässt nur lesende [GET] Zugriffe zu. Der Rückgabewert ist ein JSON-Object.
Als Beta steht dieser Aufruf zur Verfügung: 

https://api.emotionum.com/_ext/{get request}

Bsp.: https://api.emotionum.com/_ext/object/907


Als zusätzliche Parameter können start={int < 101} und limit={int < 101} verwendet werden, um Listen zu begrenzen.

Bsp.: https://api.emotionum.com/_ext/object/?start=10&limit=20






List all public objects



Show public object details



Show vote aggregation or animation for a public object

Optional parameters, examples:






Show similar objects for a public object






Suggest public objects, give for example ?q=Gômez and receive:

[{"name":"Mario G\u00f3mez"}]

Give no less than 3 and no more than 15 characters



Search public objects using the search engine

Optional parameters, examples:

?sort=newestFirst [newestFirst|captionAsc|dobAsc|dobDesc|mostRates|leastRates|mostPlaylists]


?classId=1 [1|2]


?fieldPosition=offensiv [offensive|midfield|defensive|goal]







List all available classes (players and goalkeepers so far)



Show details on a specific class



Show all public objects for a given class




List all public networks



Get details for a public network



Search public networks using the search engine

Optional parameters, examples:

?sort=newestFirst [newestFirst|captionAsc]




List all (public) users that are in a (public) network



List all (public) objects that are in a (public) network



Search public objects prefiltered by (public) network


/api/playlist xxx


List all public playlists



Get details for a public playlist



List all (public) objects that are in a (public) playlist



Search public objects prefiltered by (public) playlist



Show all public users



Get information on a (public) user



Method for signin (login)

{ "name": "my.username", "password": "newPassword123" }



Method for signout (logoff)

{  }




Suggest public users, give for example ?q=Meier and receive:

[{"name":"Peter Meier"}]

Give no less than 3 and no more than 15 characters



Search public users using the search engine

Optional parameters, examples:

?sort=newestFirst [newestFirst|captionAsc|lastNameAsc|lastNameDesc]




List all (public) networks of a (public) user



List all (public) playlists of a (public) user



List all (public) objects that are impersonated by a (public) user



(Access denied)



List all votes for a (public) user

(for internal use)

Private, specific user related methods

  • For all methods here, a given user must be signed in, thus providing a valid session token in the authorization header



List all my playlists



Show specific information for one of my playlists



List all objects in one of my playlists



List all my networks

Possible filter query:




Show specific information for one of my networks



List all objects in one of my networks



Check if a given object is in a given network



List all users (members) in one of my networks



List all members in one of my networks that are befriended with me



List all my objects



Get details on one of my objects



Show similar objects to one of my objects



Show aggregations/animations to one of my objects

Parameters, examples:







List votes on one of my objects



Get my latest vote on a specific object



List all my votes



Get details on one of my votes



List all users for user {id} (only myself)



Show a user profile in a private context



Show personificated objects of a user in a private context

Optional parameter filters result for own records:


Optional parameter filters result for public records:




Show my invitations (where i was invited) plus my applications (where i applied to)

Optional parameter filters result for all my networks:




Show further details on one of my inviations/applications



List the users following me



List the users i follow



List the networks i follow



Show invitations/applications to a given network where i am an owner



Search objects in a network context



Search objects in a playlist context



Search users in a network context



List all followers of a network


json | api | code


Mittwoch, 10. August 2016